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Pocket Consult Gastro Hepatolo

4.8 ( 3888 ratings )
Utbildning Medicinsk
Utvecklare: Skyscape Medpresso Inc

Pocket Consult in Gastroenterology, there have been significant developments in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology. This leading reference is for trainees/fellows in gastroenterology and hepatology, as well as junior doctors and general medicine interns.

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There have been significant developments in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology. This leading reference is for trainees/fellows in gastroenterology and hepatology, as well as junior doctors and general medicine interns. Youll find expert advice and guidance on hand when and where you need it.

Key Features
- The format and layout contain key points at the start of each section, bulleted lists with tips and warnings.
- A new author team - which, for the first time, is international - has brought a new global perspective to this reference.
- Every section has been comprehensively revised, images updated and management algorithms renewed to accommodate the many diagnostic and therapeutic advances of the past 5 years.

Author: Dr Simon PL Travis (Consultant Gastroenterologist John Radciffe Hospital), Tariq Ahmad, Jane Collier, A. Hillary Steinhart
Publisher: John Wiley & Son Inc. and its affiliates
ISBN-13: 978-1405111928

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